On completion of this course participants will possess the knowledge, skills and techniques to carry out people moving and handling activities in a safe manner both for themselves and the person in accordance with good manual handling techniques. The course also trains participants in how to correctly use relevant people handling equipment.
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Course Description
This one-day course is designed to equip healthcare professionals with essential theoretical knowledge and practical skills for the safe movement and handling of patients. It is mandatory for all staff involved in the movement or support of patients with reduced mobility or injuries.
The course is led by QQI (Quality and Qualifications Ireland) certified instructors and ensures compliance with health and safety standards in patient handling.
Who should attend?
- This training caters to all levels of staff involved in the movement or support of patients with injuries or reduced mobility.
- It is a mandatory requirement for caregivers, healthcare workers, nurses, nursing home personnel, first aiders, staff in hospitals and respite centers, hotel porters, and any other professionals engaged in manual handling or patient handling activities during their work.
Learning Objectives
On completion of this training participants will:
- know how the musculoskeletal system can get injured
- be able to identify risk factors associated with people handling
- understand correct people lifting techniques
- be able to move people in a safe manner
Course Content
- Legislation as it relates to manual handling in the workplace
- Anatomy of the spine and muscular system
- Causes of back injuries
- Ergonomics
- Risk Assessment of manual handling tasks
- Principles of manual handling (Inanimate objects)
- Principles of safe people moving and handling
- Safe people handling techniques
- Potential harm through incorrect people moving techniques
- People handling equipment
- Practical demonstrations: Transfer to/from a bed, slide sheets, pushing and pulling a wheelchair, principles of use of hoist & sling
- Practical sessions in people moving and handling
Training Location:
Training can be conducted at client's facility or at our designated Training Centre.
- 1 Day (Theory & Practical based learning)